Life Moves Faster Than Expected

Going out into the “real world” can be scary. As a senior in my last quarter and a half of college I am starting to realize that life moves faster than ever expected. It feels like just the other day I was a freshman in my dorm room just trying to make friends. It also feels like just the other day I was getting to know my boyfriend. It was like in the blink of an eye I suddenly felt like I needed to have my life together.

Time moved forward and my life started to fall into place and then as soon as I thought everything was working out, my life started to fall apart. This was a constant rollercoaster through all four years of college. But isn’t that what every college student feels like? My life is finally falling into place again and I have somewhat of an idea of where I want to go. That is with the catch of one scary realization.

I am growing up, and I cannot stop it…

My boyfriend is also a graduating senior and will commission into the army when we both graduate. This is a fantastic accomplishment for him and I could not be more proud of him. However, when he moves, that means I do too. This is something that could be changed, but not really. When you’ve been through the stuff that we have, and come out on the other end stronger 2 years later, you kind of start talking about some serious milestones in your lives. I have never been more than two hours away from my family and soon I will be on the other side of the country from them in a new place with only one person I know. This is a scary thought for me.the-united-states-of-america-map.gif

I always dreamed of being this close to really starting my life, but I never thought it would get this close this fast.I always imagined that I would be starting a life and on my way to a family by 22. When I got to college that changed and I realized that life is not life a fairytale or the movies that we see. Over the years I have come to the acceptance that I would travel, find a dream career, and then maybe settle down when I was ready a little later in life.

Well 3 years after figuring that out…I know what I want to do for a career, law enforcement, but I couldn’t be farther away from achieving it…I have travel plans, just not to travel in Europe…and I am closer to starting my life with a man I love and moving anywhere the military tells us to. Oh the crazy things we will do for love.

I’m growing up faster than I thought I would. The military is not my career but it is changing my life…I found a man I love and who loves me and all my future plans are based on future plans together. Life can bring on the ups and the downs because I finally have a solid foundation to stand on.


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